Our Facilities


The institute provides the facility of the most modern classroom with projectors and multi mode teaching aids with PA system. Class rooms are spacious, clean and hygienic to provide a healthy environment to enhance the process of learning.


ANI’s library is well stocked with books both written by national and international authors on different subjects, which gives a vast reference and knowledge to the students. The library is full of large volumes of book of different authors on same subject, journals, magazines, study materials etc. ANI students also take the advantage of national library, City Centre as individual member


We have well equipped labs with all equipment’s and gadgets which are required for meeting the practical training requirements of the students. Our labs are spacious and technically designed to accommodate moderate number of trainees for attending practical classes.


Area where management committee meets & mini conferences are held. Presentations, workshops & get together with guest, visitors from the industry for exchange of ideas & knowledge are done in this place. It is also utilized for the purpose of group discussions & company interview, whenever required.


It is an important part in the development of a student career. All we do is what we think. Right thinking gives right direction to our life and hence we at ANI have a very strong counseling service. We enable the students to adopt new things and fight their fear of failure through this counseling service.


Students of ANI benefit both, academically and socially from English Language classes which are run concurrently with the principle subjects during the study. Figures clearly show that those students who attend regular English classes achieve higher grades and better jobs. We take this fact very seriously, that is why, and we offer an English Language course which is specifically aimed at improving both written and spoken English. The classes are held weekly and are delivered by professionally trained English language tutors.